Cosmetic Acupuncture

If you are looking for a safer alternative to Botox injections, facial cosmetic acupuncture may be what you are looking for. It can reduce age lines and improve overall skin health.


One acupuncture session = £60


Each session is 30 minutes oong


You will have a consultation first to assess suitabilty. At treatment you will first receive full body acupuncture before working on the face to prevent facial congestion

What is cosmetic acupuncture?

Traditional acupuncture is an ancient practice of inserting long thin needles at pressure points on the body and is recognised by the World Health Organisation as an effective treatment for many illnesses with established guidelines for practice.

Cosmetic acupuncture is an extension of the traditional methods and seeks to target age lines as well as overall skin health.

How does it work?

This works by causing multiple micro traumas to the skin causing it to go into repair mode.


Is cosmetic acupuncture safe?

Avoid acupuncture if you have a pacemaker or a bleeding condition.

What to expect

  • Consultation

  • Treatment

At consultation, we will discuss your concerns and the treatment options available, including common side effects and possible complications. After checking your medical health history, if treatment is safe for you, we will sign a consent form and go ahead with planned treatment.

At treatment, you will first receive a full body acupuncture treatment before working on the face to prevent facial congestion. Many tiny needles are used in the face and left in place for approx 20 mins.


Precare & aftercare advice

  • If you have any questions, please contact the clinic.

  • Call 999 or attend A&E if you develop signs of a serious allergic reaction :

    • Skin rash with itchy, red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin

    • Tightness in the throat or chest, wheezing

    • Trouble breathing or talking

    • Swelling of mouth, lips, tongue, throat